Suggested Syllabus, schedule and homework

This document shows a suggested syllabus and schedule for a two-test and a three-test semester. Many faculty prefer doing three tests, or two tests and a project, because it helps the students to get more feedback about how they are doing.

One fun way to begin the first class is to talk about bias, which many student can relate to: Types of Bias. If you would like to begin with some other topic, we recommend providing students with homework that is not in the textbook, or is copied from the textbook, since many will not get the textbook right away.

The suggested schedule shows less time on probability and more time on data analysis, which is what is recommended by the ASA, American Statistical Association:

Many professors like to do correlation and regression early, because it introduces them quickly to more in-depth analysis that is more than mean, median and mode. Some of us do not have them calculate r or the regression equation by hand, but instead use Excel.

Click here for syllabus and schedule.


Click here for homework.

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